Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tribute to Ruthie

My best friend, Lacie's grandma passed away this week. She was 91 years old. She had gone downhill this summer, and after they ran a ton of tests, they really couldn't find anything wrong with her. I think her body was just giving out on her. She wasn't eating anymore, and they had to insert a feeding tube to keep her healthy. I think they all knew what was coming when she stopped talking and hardly recognized the family when they would see her. But no matter how much you prepare yourself for losing someone so close to you, it still hurts. I've been reading all the wonderful, thoughtful comments people have been leaving for Lacie on her Facebook, and I read one today that really stuck with me. They said, "we could all be so lucky to have lived such a full life as Ruthie." She really's amazing to think she's been on this earth for 91 years. I thought the same when my Aunt Yolande died.

My heart goes out to her family...her only child Lomie, her son-in-law Floyd and her two granddaughters. I know Lacie would've liked her to be there for her wedding in October, but now Ruthie can watch from above, with a front row seat better than anyone else in the church. My prayers and thoughts are with her family and friends today and tomorrow for the funeral.

It makes me sad that I can't be there. These are the days that I really hate that I live so far away. If I weren't pregnant and maybe if my parents were home, I might try the trip alone but I just think it will be too hard to get there by tomorrow. I am sad though, and I wish I could be there for my friend.

Here's a beautiful tribute video Lacie and her sister put together for their grandmother. We'll never forget you, Ruthie!!


Anonymous said...

Wow! That video is amazing! Ruthie couldn't have had more people around her that loved her so much. As much as she will be missed, she is in a much better place.


Anonymous said...

Oh wow, what a lovely posting - I am just seeing it now (Aug 13). Thank you so very much, Angelle. Yes, she will have the best seat in the house from heaven.

- Lacie

Anonymous said...

What a truly beautiful video Gelle, so very special. Amber xxxx