Wednesday, August 19, 2009

"That Mom"

Today I felt like "that mom."
That was me today.

I woke up and took a shower, but I decided to wait to dry my hair. Well, I started working on my other blog and didn't realize the time, so I didn't have time to straighten my hair. So, I brushed it, which made it only fluff out into a ball of cotton candy.

I became "that mom" that I always want to lend my straightener to.

Then I gave my face a one over. Not a stitch of make-up, white and pasty as ever. I put on a little powder and mascara, but it didn't help much.

I became "that mom" that never wears make-up.

Then I grabbed Ella on one hip and my giant diaper bag on the other shoulder. I'm in diaper bag transition right now, so I am using a functional but GIANT open bag with no zipper. The openness of it made my bra strap hang out, and my dress was nearly falling off.

I was then "that mom" that doesn't have time to straighten herself up before she leaves the house.

I always said I wasn't going to be "that mom," so I officially declare today the ONLY day I am allowed to be "that mom" since my body is just so physically tired. I'm going to let this one slide, but tomorrow it's back to make-up, cute outfits, and having it all together. Maybe that's how "that mom" got sucked into the "that mom" routine. She never realized she was ever in the rut to begin with.

Ok, I am babbling...did I mention I was tired??


Anonymous said...


Whether you are "this mom" or "that mom" you are a GREAT MOM and GREAT FRIEND! I loved that little story!

Get some rest, my dear!


Anonymous said...

cute!!! I've been that mom too and it's okay....tomorrow you'll be ALL THAT Mama!!!! :) MH

Krystal Gonzales said...

Yeah,I have no shame in being "that mom". Just happy to be "a mom".--Krystal