Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Blackberry Baby Blues

When I became a mother, I felt empowered. I felt I had joined this club that I had never been a part of, and people came out of the woodwork to offer me advice and comfort and compassion. And I felt I had a magical power bestowed upon me, some sort of mystical commanding way to somehow make everything fall into place, and everything was ok.

And then the pain medication wore off from the hospital...

No, seriously...being a mom has been one of the most rewarding and unbelievable experiences I have yet to have, and I have only just begun. And the job becomes even more intensified as times goes on. You know, the old thought in the workplace is usually that the more time that goes by and the more experience you gain, the easier it gets. But parenting is sooo not like that! It seems the older they get, the more you NEED to know and the harder it is to keep it all together. It's overwelming at times.

I felt that way, at least...until the clouds parted and replaced my old cell phone with a shiny, red Blackberry Curve. I will add that I used to think those people with those "big and bulky phones" had no use for those things, and that they probably were slower than molasses. Well, I'm here to tell you I've been reformed, and now I'm a believer!!

I brought my Blackberry home, and I immediately started putting names and phone numbers in. It was sooo easy to operate this gadget, and usually I am a woman who HAS to read directions, but for this one, I really didn't need to! This phone even has tutorials built in! Before I even read one manual, I entered email addresses, took photos, surfed the web, text messaged friends and started entering appointments into my calendar.

Some of you may be saying, "well my regular phone does all that," and so did mine, but what separates a regular cell phone from a smart phone is the full keyboard! I was able to text message so much quicker with a full keyboard rather than having to hit the number seven FOUR times to get one single "S"!

I am spoiled, I know.

Another thing that separates a regular cell phone from a smart phone is the speed of the internet. I can take a picture of our daughter and email it to her grandmother in the next state with the click of a button. And I receive emails instantly as well. My husband and I love the quick internet access for road trips because we're always fighting about who sang what song in what year. God, I love technology!

I decided on a Blackberry rather than any of the other smart phones out there again because of the full keyboard. I didn't like the fact that the only way to dial or text was to touch a screen (I already hate touch screen computers - ever try putting your debit card pin number with your finger?! Aack!) I imagine a touch screen wouldn't be so bad every so often, but I like to make contact with a real button sometimes too! It's kinda similar to wanting to talk to a living, breathing person when you call customer service. Plus, the Blackberry Curve is so slim and sleek, it really doesn't seem much bigger than a regular cell phone.

The greatest feature it has as a mom is the calendar. I have tried to be organized with calendars, big and small, pocket-sized, wall-sized...I've tried them all, but the thing about calendars is you have to fill them in! But now, any time I make an appointment, I just whip out my handy dandy cell phone, enter in the appointment, and voila! It even sends me a reminder before the appointment happens. It's soooo convenient!!

So, if you've been thinking about embarking on the new horizon of a smart phone, I am here to tell you it is TOTALLY worth it!
It's something every mom in the "mom's club" should have!


Shellbel71 said...

AT&T called....they want YOU to do a commercial for the them....because they REALLY want you to share how you feel about the Blackberry Curve. lol

~Michelle said...

Ha! I was thinking along the same lines as Shelly. Seriously, I was thinking that you could get a part time job writing a gadget type column for a newpaper or Better Homes and Garden magazine. When I was reading it, it felt like I was reading a Ladies Home Journal or something. You do have a way with words. Guess that comm degree was good for something! Much love!~Chelle

Farrell Family said...

Ha's funny you both should mention that because these last two articles were an "audition" for a blog job I was applying for for exactly that - Gadgets and Gear for babies. And I got the job!! So, I'll let you know when I start writing for it...