Sunday, October 4, 2009

Crockpot Pork Chops - for the lazy chef

Even if you can't cook or don't like to cook, this is the easiest recipe EVER!
A few weeks ago, I saw some pork chops on sale, and I bought them on a whim. I usually just pan fry them, not having any idea what I am doing, and they come out so dry and chewy. Gross. So, I googled pork chop recipes, and I found this one and decided to try it. It was a HIT in my house...the pork chops just broke apart, and the whole meal was soo good. What was even better was that it's made in a crockpot, so there is NO WORK!!

Here's the recipe from

It's called Jade's crockpot pork chops, made easy with cream of mushroom or cream of celery soup.

1 large onion, sliced
4 to 6 medium potatoes, peeled and sliced
1 can condensed cream of mushroom or celery soup (I use both to make it saucier)
4 to 6 pork chops, boneless or bone-in
salt and pepper to taste


Lightly spray slow cooker with butter or garlic flavored non-stick cooking spray. Put onions and potatoes in bottom of slow cooker.
Top with pork chops, salt and pepper.

Pour soup over chops. Cook on low for 6 to 8 hours, until tender.

Serves 4 to 6.

I know it doesn't look great in the Crockpot, but for real....just try it. Once it
s bubbling and done, it is soooo delicious. I also add garlic powder, basil and a few other spices...but that's totally up to you.
Good luck and comment to let us know how yours comes out!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Friday, August 28, 2009

I'm a Milkaholic

My name is Angelle Farrell, and I'm a milkaholic.

It's true! I love milk!

I mean, I have never had such an obsession with it like I have for this pregnancy. I have been drinking skim milk for as long as I can remember, but when Ella was about to turn one, I bought a gallon of 2% milk so I could gradually ease her into drinking milk. Well, I eased myself into drinking it to because when I tasted it, it was soooo good! Oh my, so much better than skim milk. What have I been missing all this time?? Is it REALLY that much more fattening?!!?
So, now I can't get enough of it. It must be one of those pregnancy cravings...
Some woman crave pickles and ice cream.
I crave milk!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Life is Good

Why is it every time that I go to the gym in the morning, I feel FABULOUS that day? You would think I would remember that feeling all the time, and it would encourage me to go to the gym all the time! I guess that's not an uncommon feeling though. Anyway, my doctor told me yesterday that my weight looked really good for being 25 weeks preggers, and that made me feel really great, so that too encouraged me to continue with the gym. It doesn't hurt that it's also good ME time, even if I am sweating.

Life is also good because I am just LOVING the blogging job. I mean, for real. My new goal is to write five articles a week right now while I can. It is just so much fun, and I can't get over how popular it's getting. I had an old friend from Mandeville (well, she was actually a counselor with me at Robindel back in the day), but she contacted me to tell me about her business. Her and her mom went into business making baby clothing and monogramming it. I checked out her website, and it is ADORABLE things (that I will most likely end up spending tons of money on). She's such a sweetheart, and she loved my blog - so she's sending me some "freebies" for me to try out so I can blog about her company. How cool is that?? I can't wait to see what she sends, and I am even more excited to write about a company when I know the owner.

If you want to check out her website before the article hits my blog, it's I'll keep it on both my blogs too in case you ever want to come back to it. Great stuff for VERY reasonable prices.

So, I am really feeling this blogging gig. All this writing I have been doing makes me feel so....relaxed and released. Purpose. I mean, I know I have purpose when I am running a household and raising my little angel, but it's like I feel like I still have a brain being home all day. I can at least get SOME use out of this journalism degree I worked so hard for. Plus I feel like I have this obligation to mothas all around the world to let them know about what products are out there. Every time I love an item or hate an item, I am always emailing my friends with babies to tell them about it. Now I can just run to my blog. It's a great refuge.

Anyway, I'm having a great Friday (if you couldn't already tell), and I guess I should put it to rest. Thanks to all my readers on ALL my blogs. I hope I can entertain you in some way, shape or form!


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

"That Mom"

Today I felt like "that mom."
That was me today.

I woke up and took a shower, but I decided to wait to dry my hair. Well, I started working on my other blog and didn't realize the time, so I didn't have time to straighten my hair. So, I brushed it, which made it only fluff out into a ball of cotton candy.

I became "that mom" that I always want to lend my straightener to.

Then I gave my face a one over. Not a stitch of make-up, white and pasty as ever. I put on a little powder and mascara, but it didn't help much.

I became "that mom" that never wears make-up.

Then I grabbed Ella on one hip and my giant diaper bag on the other shoulder. I'm in diaper bag transition right now, so I am using a functional but GIANT open bag with no zipper. The openness of it made my bra strap hang out, and my dress was nearly falling off.

I was then "that mom" that doesn't have time to straighten herself up before she leaves the house.

I always said I wasn't going to be "that mom," so I officially declare today the ONLY day I am allowed to be "that mom" since my body is just so physically tired. I'm going to let this one slide, but tomorrow it's back to make-up, cute outfits, and having it all together. Maybe that's how "that mom" got sucked into the "that mom" routine. She never realized she was ever in the rut to begin with.

Ok, I am babbling...did I mention I was tired??

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tribute to Ruthie

My best friend, Lacie's grandma passed away this week. She was 91 years old. She had gone downhill this summer, and after they ran a ton of tests, they really couldn't find anything wrong with her. I think her body was just giving out on her. She wasn't eating anymore, and they had to insert a feeding tube to keep her healthy. I think they all knew what was coming when she stopped talking and hardly recognized the family when they would see her. But no matter how much you prepare yourself for losing someone so close to you, it still hurts. I've been reading all the wonderful, thoughtful comments people have been leaving for Lacie on her Facebook, and I read one today that really stuck with me. They said, "we could all be so lucky to have lived such a full life as Ruthie." She really's amazing to think she's been on this earth for 91 years. I thought the same when my Aunt Yolande died.

My heart goes out to her family...her only child Lomie, her son-in-law Floyd and her two granddaughters. I know Lacie would've liked her to be there for her wedding in October, but now Ruthie can watch from above, with a front row seat better than anyone else in the church. My prayers and thoughts are with her family and friends today and tomorrow for the funeral.

It makes me sad that I can't be there. These are the days that I really hate that I live so far away. If I weren't pregnant and maybe if my parents were home, I might try the trip alone but I just think it will be too hard to get there by tomorrow. I am sad though, and I wish I could be there for my friend.

Here's a beautiful tribute video Lacie and her sister put together for their grandmother. We'll never forget you, Ruthie!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Blackberry Baby Blues

When I became a mother, I felt empowered. I felt I had joined this club that I had never been a part of, and people came out of the woodwork to offer me advice and comfort and compassion. And I felt I had a magical power bestowed upon me, some sort of mystical commanding way to somehow make everything fall into place, and everything was ok.

And then the pain medication wore off from the hospital...

No, seriously...being a mom has been one of the most rewarding and unbelievable experiences I have yet to have, and I have only just begun. And the job becomes even more intensified as times goes on. You know, the old thought in the workplace is usually that the more time that goes by and the more experience you gain, the easier it gets. But parenting is sooo not like that! It seems the older they get, the more you NEED to know and the harder it is to keep it all together. It's overwelming at times.

I felt that way, at least...until the clouds parted and replaced my old cell phone with a shiny, red Blackberry Curve. I will add that I used to think those people with those "big and bulky phones" had no use for those things, and that they probably were slower than molasses. Well, I'm here to tell you I've been reformed, and now I'm a believer!!

I brought my Blackberry home, and I immediately started putting names and phone numbers in. It was sooo easy to operate this gadget, and usually I am a woman who HAS to read directions, but for this one, I really didn't need to! This phone even has tutorials built in! Before I even read one manual, I entered email addresses, took photos, surfed the web, text messaged friends and started entering appointments into my calendar.

Some of you may be saying, "well my regular phone does all that," and so did mine, but what separates a regular cell phone from a smart phone is the full keyboard! I was able to text message so much quicker with a full keyboard rather than having to hit the number seven FOUR times to get one single "S"!

I am spoiled, I know.

Another thing that separates a regular cell phone from a smart phone is the speed of the internet. I can take a picture of our daughter and email it to her grandmother in the next state with the click of a button. And I receive emails instantly as well. My husband and I love the quick internet access for road trips because we're always fighting about who sang what song in what year. God, I love technology!

I decided on a Blackberry rather than any of the other smart phones out there again because of the full keyboard. I didn't like the fact that the only way to dial or text was to touch a screen (I already hate touch screen computers - ever try putting your debit card pin number with your finger?! Aack!) I imagine a touch screen wouldn't be so bad every so often, but I like to make contact with a real button sometimes too! It's kinda similar to wanting to talk to a living, breathing person when you call customer service. Plus, the Blackberry Curve is so slim and sleek, it really doesn't seem much bigger than a regular cell phone.

The greatest feature it has as a mom is the calendar. I have tried to be organized with calendars, big and small, pocket-sized, wall-sized...I've tried them all, but the thing about calendars is you have to fill them in! But now, any time I make an appointment, I just whip out my handy dandy cell phone, enter in the appointment, and voila! It even sends me a reminder before the appointment happens. It's soooo convenient!!

So, if you've been thinking about embarking on the new horizon of a smart phone, I am here to tell you it is TOTALLY worth it!
It's something every mom in the "mom's club" should have!

I Gotta Lotta Love for the Booger Sucker

Being a mother, I have come across many new and interesting inventions to make raising babies easier, but I must say, I have died and gone to heaven on this new one.

It's the Graco NasalClear Aspirator, or as my husband and I call it, the "boogie sucker."

One of the joys of daycare is the neverending, snotty colds our angel comes home with, so she has pretty much been sick all winter long. Our first bulb aspirator from the hospital unfortunately became a chew toy for our Min Pin Zoe (and just thinking about the "prize" on the inside still gives me the willies!) But since that aspirator, we've never been able to find a good replacement, until now!

We found this gem at Wal-Mart for about twenty bucks. It's battery-operated, and it claims to play music to distract your child while you suck her brains out with a push of a button. I am thinking to myself that "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" cannot possibly distract my child from me going for her nostrils with a suctioning device, but it really does work! The very first time we used it on her, I got a really good suction on her nose. Her eyes squinched closed and she kinda caught her breath a little. I really thought maybe I had sucked up a kidney or something. But then she looked at me and giggled. She gave me a look as if, "how did you just do that?"

Since then, it's the only aspirator we use when she's got a runny nose. It makes her feel so much better, and it sure does beat that smelly bulb aspirator (have you ever smelled the inside of one of those?? No matter how many times you clean it, it reeks! So gross!)

Now, I will say that you have to read the instructions before you operate it (husbands!!) The first few times we used it, it seemed like it just wasn't working all that great because we didn't see any mucus. Once we read the directions, we realized sometimes if the mucus is thick, you have to use a little water in between uses to flush the tip out. Since then, it works like a charm, and all her snot flush right into the clear collection cup for all to see (vile, I know, but don't lie, you KNOW you want to try it now!)

So, I award yet another inventive gadget to making raising babies even easier, and I give the Graco "Booger Sucker" five stars!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

American Idol - my guilty pleasure

Ok, so a couple of years ago when one would ask me if I watched American Idol, I would turn my nose up and say NO WAY. I hated the show. I hated everything it stood for. I was probably just jealous. Maybe I figured if I couldn't be American Idol, then it doesn't deserve me as a viewer!! I don't know...but I hated it.

Then about three or four years ago when I was commuting from Garyville to Baton Rouge everyday, I started listening to Kidd Kraddick in the morning. I loved the show, but every week they would go on and on about this dang show! It still didn't make me like the show, but at least I knew what was going on later when the office breakroom was discussing it in detail. Every so often I could inject an opinion since Kidd Kraddick would play clips. I could fit in with the TV socialites. I went on with my weekly updates, and all was good.

And then one night towards the middle of that particular season, I happened to catch the middle of an episode on tv. I considered changing the channel is disgust, but I thought, maybe I should just see what all the hype is about?? So, I indulged myself. It was cheesy, and it was comical at points. Some singers were actually pretty good. I liked rating them using my own little voice background and singing ability. It made me feel like I had an edge above the average viewer.

And then there was Chris.

Ahhh, Chris Daughtry. He was a vision. I caught his performance (and I can't remember what he was singing that particular night), but I was hooked. I thought, why is this even a competition?? Why isn't he just the winner?? Should I vote?? No, that would be absurd! I hate this show. But I love Chris. I mean, for no reason should this hottie patottie NOT be the next American Idol, whatever an American Idol is. He was dreamy. And so I watched again the next week. Like a caffeine addiction, I fed myself weekly episodes intraveniously. I couldn't wait to see what stops he would pull out the next week. It was great. Not only could I participate in breakroom chatter, I was a vital member of the committee! Every morning we would convene over watered down coffee and discuss the drama that took place the night before.

And a jolted punch to the stomach, he was kicked off with still three contestants left to go.


Are you serious?!?! How can it be?
I was devastated. For real! I was sooo shocked and mad and angry at America for not voting. I mean, I sure as hell wasn't going to vote, but they should have!! How could they!?!? Poor Chris. Why did I let myself get sucked into this stupid show!!?? I vowed the night he was voted off to never watch that debacle again. The next Tuesday night, I completely ignored the TV altogether. I was curious....but NO. I couldn't do it. I had to NOT WATCH for Chris' sake. I took comfort in knowing that we'd be hearing from him again on the radio....and we did. Now, I did snap the tube on for a few minutes of the last episode of that season to see the gray-haired, joke of a dancer Taylor Hicks take the trophy. WHATEV! I was done.

The following year, it started all over again. I told myself that that was just a blip. I was not going to get hooked again. My mother-in-law was living with us at the time, and one night while flipping channels, I stopped on American Idol. I sometimes struggled to find something we could both enjoy since I was such a Lifetime rerun junkie, so I handed her the remote and said she could watch whatever she wanted. She said, "no, let's just see what's going on here." So, we watched...and like a recovering drug addict giving into temptation, I relapsed. And I liked. And we liked. And we BOTH got hooked. In fact, the whole household was hooked. Soon we were planning our dinner around showtimes. Each week at 7pm on Tuesday night, we were all gathered around the TV like a 1950s poster family. And although this was an addiction I did not like to admit, it brought me closer to my in-laws. We loved discussing different performances. My father-in-law loved to disagree with me about Sanjaya. It was bliss. I watched an entire season, and I didn't self-destruct. It was surprising...and nice. That was the year that Jordin Sparks won. We all picked her to win, although I did love little Blake too.

Last year, I watched most of the season alone or with Bart. It wasn't quite the same. I didn't watch as faithfully without my in-law cheerleaders. I found new comfort in texting with my friends Christina and Michelle. It gave me a something to look forward to each week, a way to keep up with two more friends on a weekly basis. Every so often I would call my mother-in-law, and it gave us a lot to talk about. You see, she also watched faithfully from Baton Rouge. She liked David Cook and David Archuletta, and we were pretty good at choosing the right person to get voted off for that week. I got the feeling that she missed her AI partner as much as I missed mine.

A few weeks after David Cook won that last season, my mother-in-law returned to our house for her final visit. We never got to watch another season of American Idol together again. I suppose I'll watch it out of obligation now. I still do enjoy watching the different contestants take the stage. It's fun to critique them and talk about them with friends. I still like being the master of the breakroom chatter.

For some, it's just another show on the boob tube.

For me, it's a guilty pleasure that will always remind me of my time with my mother-in-law.

And maybe Mrs. Bev's catching a couple of episodes of American Idol from heaven.

Monday, March 9, 2009

My Best Friend's Wedding

This weekend, one of the most amazing things happened.

My best friend LACIE got engaged.

Now let me tell you a little something about Lacie. She is no ordinary girl. She is an extraordinary woman who has gone through one bad internet date after another. She has PATIENTLY waited for the right man to wise up and find her...all the while, enjoying her life along the way. She is the last my childhood friends to get married, and yet she is probably the most unique and wonderful person you could ever meet. She is my twin with teeth (inside joke!)

On the outside, she is a beautiful woman. You'd never know she once had hot pink hair, wore dog collars and plastic silver skirts. She has always marched to the beat of a different drum, and that is what makes her what she is. She is a huge ray of sunlight....always happy, always smiling. She's been such a great friend throughout the years....always remembers your birthday or sends little cards out of the blue for no reason. She loves real mail as opposed to email, yet she will respond to your email in 2.3 seconds. She has made me laugh every day since the day I have met her. Growing up, we have shared clothes (many many clothes), we've shared heartaches and we've shared so many memories. And she's always been there for me when I needed her...lending a shoulder to cry on (which I have done MANY times!) Plus she is SUPER smart. She's maintained straight A's for as long as I have known her, and yet she's so humble, you'd never know it. She's never had her nose buried in a book. In May 2009, she will graduate with her PHD. Yes, she will become Dr. Lacie Lin Marie Michel soon-to-be Bogen. She is an amazing individual who has long deserved happiness and a fairy tale ending.

I've had the incredible priveledge of growing up with her....going to kindergarten with her, playing cabbage ball and having recess on the playgrounds with her, being around for her first boyfriend, her first date and her first kiss (hell, she was in the ROOM for MY first kiss!) We graduated 8th grade together, graduated high school together...and after she finished Loyola, we went to the same college, and we even graduated COLLEGE together (ok, so she had a masters and I had a bachelors - what's your point!?) After college, we lived together - which was a roller coaster adventure that I wouldn't have ever changed because we got to enjoy the ups and downs of single lady life together too!! Those were some of the best memories in those apartments.

And now she's met the man of her dreams - a guy so perfectly crafted for her that she couldn't have created him better herself. He truly seems to be her soulmate, and he has asked her to marry him this past Saturday. We are sooo super excited for her - it's like having another sister get married. I know he realizes how special and wonderful she is.

They have set their wedding date today - Halloween. October 31, 2009. I wouldn't have expected anything less. I am so excited for the next seven months...the experiences that she will have, the memories she will make, and the unforgettable wedding that she and Chris will have. And I am even more excited for what follows that special day....


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Spring is in the air...

I just love Spring.

I love flip flops and pedicures and flowers in bloom. I love flowy skirts and pastel colors and green grass. I love hot pink azaleas and trees with leaves and beautiful colors. I love fresh shaven legs and sun dresses and easter eggs. I love long afternoons with plenty of sunlight and cool breezes. I love bumblebees and gardening and barbecues; crawfish boils, patios and swimming pools. I love sunscreen and tanned skin and fresh air.


Winter is just bundling up and coats and long pants and dead trees and early nights and heaters and flannel and runny noses and dry everything.

I love Spring.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

This is just funny.

Who is this guy!?!?

As I was searching for the correct information for my blog below, I stumbled upon this headline on my least favorite news supplier, CNN. All I can say, is

Education chief favors longer school year
Those lazy days of summer may become a thing of the past if the new secretary of education has his way. Arne Duncan, the Cabinet secretary charged with overhauling America's educational system, is studying programs that keep kids in school longer to boost their academic achievements.

Grose Politics

Has anyone seen the story on the news about the mayor who was caught with an emailed picture of the White House with watermelons photoshopped in the front yard with a caption saying, "Guess there'll be no Easter egg hunt this year?" The mayor is resigning, even though he says he didn't get the racial joke of the email.

Regardless of whether he is lying or not, that's not the thing I am so angry at. I am angry at the media. Why is it when they reported this dumb story did they feel the need to show me the picture he was caught with? Isn't showing the picture on national tv no better than the mayor having the picture in his email to begin with? Isn't showing the public the photo creating more racism and animosity between whites and blacks? And not only did they show us the poor-tasted photo, but they also told us the name and showed us the picture of the mayor. Perhaps they wanted to televise his home address and social security number too?? How is all that information newsworthy?

Why couldn't they just have reported that a mayor in a southern California city is resigning for sending a racial email? Why destroy this man's life for one small mistake? The media needs to take a chill pill. They really are out of control lately. There needs to be some kind of censorship on what they can and can't release to the public. Blood-thirsty, ratings-hungry decisions like these are what drove me away from the industry after college. It's no wonder I am a middle school teacher with a journalism degree!

I'm back!

Well, I am back. I have my new laptop, and I have just so much to blog about. So much going on.

I'll start with this early Saturday morning weigh-in.
Since the end of January, I joined Weight Watchers. I wanted to shed my "baby weight" and be a thin, fit mommy for Ella. I even go to the weekly meetings for extra motivation. Yes, I wake up eaaarly every Saturday morning for my 7am meeting so I can just get it over with. And I started off with medium gusto, and I kinda lost my steam for a while. The weight was coming off so slowly - almost not at all, and I wasn't doing horrible. I mean, I wasn't doing great either. There were trips home and my anniversary dinner and who can forget Valentine's Day candy. Holidays for a teachers are double trouble because kids give you candy and they expect it too! And then I had to buy girl scout cookies from every child who asked.
Excuses, excuses, excuses - I know!

So, when I got the flu last week, I lost a few lbs fast. It was a nice jumsptart, and it really got me motivated. This past week, I really got it in my head to be committed. I turned down donuts (which are at school almost daily!), and I started eating my lunch in my room to avoid any temptation of school lunches (which are horribly fattening, by the way!) and down in the teacher's lounge (people are always putting leftover sweets on the tables). I did soo well.
And Friday was our annual Chili Cookoff for Go Texan Day (don't ask, it's a Texas thing), and I was soooo worried about seeing all that food the day before I weighed in, but I did well!!

I woke up with Ella coughing last night, and yet I still dragged myself out of bed at 6:30am to go to my weekly weigh-in. And I walked in there, stripped off my jacket and shoes, stepped on that scale with confidence, and I ONLY LOST A MEASELY .8 LBS!! I was so bummed!! Seriously, I wanted to cry. What did I do wrong?? I guess I need to just keep on keeping on. I took a little time off from my Zumba class when I was sick, but I am definitely back at the YMCA this week. But geez!!! Why is losing weight so freaking hard??

So, I've lost 7.8 lbs since I've started. Hopefully, it will be much more of a loss to come. I'm not letting this get me down. I'll just work my butt off today cleaning house.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Where have I been!?!

Clearly, I need to blog more.
I have so much to say, but so little time. Damn working for a living!!!
Will write more when I can...