Sunday, August 30, 2009

Friday, August 28, 2009

I'm a Milkaholic

My name is Angelle Farrell, and I'm a milkaholic.

It's true! I love milk!

I mean, I have never had such an obsession with it like I have for this pregnancy. I have been drinking skim milk for as long as I can remember, but when Ella was about to turn one, I bought a gallon of 2% milk so I could gradually ease her into drinking milk. Well, I eased myself into drinking it to because when I tasted it, it was soooo good! Oh my, so much better than skim milk. What have I been missing all this time?? Is it REALLY that much more fattening?!!?
So, now I can't get enough of it. It must be one of those pregnancy cravings...
Some woman crave pickles and ice cream.
I crave milk!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Life is Good

Why is it every time that I go to the gym in the morning, I feel FABULOUS that day? You would think I would remember that feeling all the time, and it would encourage me to go to the gym all the time! I guess that's not an uncommon feeling though. Anyway, my doctor told me yesterday that my weight looked really good for being 25 weeks preggers, and that made me feel really great, so that too encouraged me to continue with the gym. It doesn't hurt that it's also good ME time, even if I am sweating.

Life is also good because I am just LOVING the blogging job. I mean, for real. My new goal is to write five articles a week right now while I can. It is just so much fun, and I can't get over how popular it's getting. I had an old friend from Mandeville (well, she was actually a counselor with me at Robindel back in the day), but she contacted me to tell me about her business. Her and her mom went into business making baby clothing and monogramming it. I checked out her website, and it is ADORABLE things (that I will most likely end up spending tons of money on). She's such a sweetheart, and she loved my blog - so she's sending me some "freebies" for me to try out so I can blog about her company. How cool is that?? I can't wait to see what she sends, and I am even more excited to write about a company when I know the owner.

If you want to check out her website before the article hits my blog, it's I'll keep it on both my blogs too in case you ever want to come back to it. Great stuff for VERY reasonable prices.

So, I am really feeling this blogging gig. All this writing I have been doing makes me feel so....relaxed and released. Purpose. I mean, I know I have purpose when I am running a household and raising my little angel, but it's like I feel like I still have a brain being home all day. I can at least get SOME use out of this journalism degree I worked so hard for. Plus I feel like I have this obligation to mothas all around the world to let them know about what products are out there. Every time I love an item or hate an item, I am always emailing my friends with babies to tell them about it. Now I can just run to my blog. It's a great refuge.

Anyway, I'm having a great Friday (if you couldn't already tell), and I guess I should put it to rest. Thanks to all my readers on ALL my blogs. I hope I can entertain you in some way, shape or form!


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

"That Mom"

Today I felt like "that mom."
That was me today.

I woke up and took a shower, but I decided to wait to dry my hair. Well, I started working on my other blog and didn't realize the time, so I didn't have time to straighten my hair. So, I brushed it, which made it only fluff out into a ball of cotton candy.

I became "that mom" that I always want to lend my straightener to.

Then I gave my face a one over. Not a stitch of make-up, white and pasty as ever. I put on a little powder and mascara, but it didn't help much.

I became "that mom" that never wears make-up.

Then I grabbed Ella on one hip and my giant diaper bag on the other shoulder. I'm in diaper bag transition right now, so I am using a functional but GIANT open bag with no zipper. The openness of it made my bra strap hang out, and my dress was nearly falling off.

I was then "that mom" that doesn't have time to straighten herself up before she leaves the house.

I always said I wasn't going to be "that mom," so I officially declare today the ONLY day I am allowed to be "that mom" since my body is just so physically tired. I'm going to let this one slide, but tomorrow it's back to make-up, cute outfits, and having it all together. Maybe that's how "that mom" got sucked into the "that mom" routine. She never realized she was ever in the rut to begin with.

Ok, I am babbling...did I mention I was tired??