Sunday, November 2, 2008

Without a Paddle, its a lazy Sunday afternoon, and I'm watching a movie I have seen many times, but I think its been overlooked. I don't remember it being a big hit at the movies, unless I just missed it. It's called "Without a Paddle." It's about these four guys who have been best friends since they were kids. One of them goes on to do great things, but passes away (I'm not giving the movie happens in the very beginning). Anyway, the remaining three boys decide to go on an adventure in memory of him. Needless to say, their adventure is the movie, and it is HILARIOUS!! It stars Dax Shepard (from Baby Mama), Matthew Lillard (from Scream and Scooby Doo) and Seth Green (from Austin Powers). They are sooo funny...I laugh out loud every time I watch it, and even though they're boys, the movie brings you back to your childhood. Matthew Lillard and Seth Green deliver outstanding performances - Seth Green's character is so adorable. Burt Reynolds even makes an appearance.
If you have not seen this movie, do yourself a favor. It's been coming on MTV this weekend. Here's the imdb link:


~Michelle said...

Okay! Love this new blog!!! I love reading things you write because well, you are a good writer.

Without A Paddle is one of my faves! I hate watching a movie if I see it on TV but I have missed the first hour of it. But Without A Paddle is one of the few that I will watch even if its about to go off. Its so funny!!!

Love, Chelle

Anonymous said...

Where have I been? I've never seen this movie - and if it's cackle worthy, then I definitely need to check it out! Keep these posts coming! Love em!

- Lacie

Anonymous said...

Just read the new post. Thanks for something else to keep me on my toes besides Ella's blog!!


Roxanne said...

A couple of years ago a student brought this video to Tony to watch. I am forever "putting up with" movies that he wants to watch. . .but this one TOTALLY cracked me up. I agree that it is definitely worth the time to watch. Thanks for putting me on your blog list. . . :)

Anonymous said...

I thought I was a movie buff but as I am yet to even hear of this one. ...... I will have to reconsider that title. Gelle you amaze me, love this blog. I'm heading out this arvo to rent this.....thanks for the tip need a good laugh. Amber xxx