Thursday, February 18, 2010

Joe Stack is whack!

I know I have been MIA, and it's ashame because I hate to have THIS as my comeback post, but I am so frustrated! I am watching Fox News, and they're reporting on this whacko Joseph Stack who flew his plane into the IRS building in Austin, Texas.

What is wrong with people these days? I understand that not everyone is of sound body and mind, and that's been going on for years. It's called mental illness, and I can somewhat wrap my head around that. But what I don't understand is why these people feel the need to kill others to make themselves feel better. To channel their anger, they feel the need to hurt others AND then be the major coward and kill themselves in the process. God forbid we actually stick around and take responsibility for our actions. Not to sound incredibly insensitive, but why not just go kill yourself and get it over with? I am in no way condoning suicide, but I would rather that person take just their own life than plan out this big production and hurt others in the process. Innocent people dying because you are mad at an agency or the government or the country for that matter is just stupid. Since when did suicide go from a private event to something we have to see on the national news?? So, just do us all a favor and get it done quickly and quietly. Or even better, why not get help when you feel yourself spiralling out of control??

It also makes me so mad that people can blame everyone else for their misfortunes except themselves. Yes, bad things happen. Yes, sometimes it's not always fair. But that's life. This has been going on for centuries, and life is what you make of it. Children fighting cancer don't get through it by saying, "oh, woe is me." It's the positive attitude and the will to live that gets them through it, and what more of a crappier hand is that??'s just so frustrating.

And it's not just this Joe Stack whacko...this includes that other nutball that took out fire at Fort Hood or that crazy that shot the students in Alabama or that spineless jerk who killed all the people at Virginia Tech. Unfortunately, that's just to name a few, and that's sad. That's hard to stomach for a mother bringing children into the world. It's hard to handle when I can raise my children as best as I can and send them out into the world, and one day some unstable, trigger-happy coward can change everything because he had a bad day. THAT is not fair.

It's time for people to stop blaming everyone else. It's time for people to take responsibility for their actions. It's time for us to start looking on the bright side and making do with what God gave us. Joe Stack, you are WRONG. Violence is NOT the answer, and what you did today will make no difference in your arguement with the government. It will only make us remember you as a sick, pathetic coward of a man, if we remember you at all.

P.S. I am really sorry about the insensitivity on the subject of suicide. I do think that it's a horrible, final thing to do, and I don't think anyone should ever have to get to that point. Life is precious, and there is always someone who is worse off than you are.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the new post. I was really sick of looking at Crockpot Pork Chops!! --Crissy

Farrell Family said...

I knew you were! That's why I changed it! Ha ha. Working on more!!

~Michelle said...

Amen Sista! It is just me or does there seem to be more and more crazy violent people killing others in the recent years? You would think that our mental health system would realize our growing problem and do more for these sick people. Unfortunately, the mentally ill usually dont seek care. It is truly sad.