Monday, March 9, 2009

My Best Friend's Wedding

This weekend, one of the most amazing things happened.

My best friend LACIE got engaged.

Now let me tell you a little something about Lacie. She is no ordinary girl. She is an extraordinary woman who has gone through one bad internet date after another. She has PATIENTLY waited for the right man to wise up and find her...all the while, enjoying her life along the way. She is the last my childhood friends to get married, and yet she is probably the most unique and wonderful person you could ever meet. She is my twin with teeth (inside joke!)

On the outside, she is a beautiful woman. You'd never know she once had hot pink hair, wore dog collars and plastic silver skirts. She has always marched to the beat of a different drum, and that is what makes her what she is. She is a huge ray of sunlight....always happy, always smiling. She's been such a great friend throughout the years....always remembers your birthday or sends little cards out of the blue for no reason. She loves real mail as opposed to email, yet she will respond to your email in 2.3 seconds. She has made me laugh every day since the day I have met her. Growing up, we have shared clothes (many many clothes), we've shared heartaches and we've shared so many memories. And she's always been there for me when I needed her...lending a shoulder to cry on (which I have done MANY times!) Plus she is SUPER smart. She's maintained straight A's for as long as I have known her, and yet she's so humble, you'd never know it. She's never had her nose buried in a book. In May 2009, she will graduate with her PHD. Yes, she will become Dr. Lacie Lin Marie Michel soon-to-be Bogen. She is an amazing individual who has long deserved happiness and a fairy tale ending.

I've had the incredible priveledge of growing up with her....going to kindergarten with her, playing cabbage ball and having recess on the playgrounds with her, being around for her first boyfriend, her first date and her first kiss (hell, she was in the ROOM for MY first kiss!) We graduated 8th grade together, graduated high school together...and after she finished Loyola, we went to the same college, and we even graduated COLLEGE together (ok, so she had a masters and I had a bachelors - what's your point!?) After college, we lived together - which was a roller coaster adventure that I wouldn't have ever changed because we got to enjoy the ups and downs of single lady life together too!! Those were some of the best memories in those apartments.

And now she's met the man of her dreams - a guy so perfectly crafted for her that she couldn't have created him better herself. He truly seems to be her soulmate, and he has asked her to marry him this past Saturday. We are sooo super excited for her - it's like having another sister get married. I know he realizes how special and wonderful she is.

They have set their wedding date today - Halloween. October 31, 2009. I wouldn't have expected anything less. I am so excited for the next seven months...the experiences that she will have, the memories she will make, and the unforgettable wedding that she and Chris will have. And I am even more excited for what follows that special day....



Anonymous said...

OMG, I am crying reading this! It is sooo heartfelt and wonderful, and I LOVE YOU! I can't wait for you to pass on your marriage wisdom to us! Looking forward to a fun and exciting RIDE!!!! :)
Love ya!

SolderKong said...

Aw, thanks so much for all of those thoughts. It means a lot. Lacie is the bestest and I do know how lucky I am. We are lucky to have found one another.

~Michelle said...

Awww... that made me get a little misty eyed too! You are a great best friend, Gelle. Congrats and Best Wishes Lacie!!!

Love, Chelle

Anonymous said...

YEAAAAA LACIE AND CHRIS!!!! I always knew that you were not a "settler".... when you found the guy of your dreams, you would know and so would he and you were settling for nothing less!!! I don't think I have ever seen you not smiling and i know from here on out we will be seeing SOOO much more of that beautiful smile!!! Congratulations and can't wait to go trick or treating at your wedding!!! Will be so much fun!!
Ms Jo