Saturday, February 28, 2009

I'm back!

Well, I am back. I have my new laptop, and I have just so much to blog about. So much going on.

I'll start with this early Saturday morning weigh-in.
Since the end of January, I joined Weight Watchers. I wanted to shed my "baby weight" and be a thin, fit mommy for Ella. I even go to the weekly meetings for extra motivation. Yes, I wake up eaaarly every Saturday morning for my 7am meeting so I can just get it over with. And I started off with medium gusto, and I kinda lost my steam for a while. The weight was coming off so slowly - almost not at all, and I wasn't doing horrible. I mean, I wasn't doing great either. There were trips home and my anniversary dinner and who can forget Valentine's Day candy. Holidays for a teachers are double trouble because kids give you candy and they expect it too! And then I had to buy girl scout cookies from every child who asked.
Excuses, excuses, excuses - I know!

So, when I got the flu last week, I lost a few lbs fast. It was a nice jumsptart, and it really got me motivated. This past week, I really got it in my head to be committed. I turned down donuts (which are at school almost daily!), and I started eating my lunch in my room to avoid any temptation of school lunches (which are horribly fattening, by the way!) and down in the teacher's lounge (people are always putting leftover sweets on the tables). I did soo well.
And Friday was our annual Chili Cookoff for Go Texan Day (don't ask, it's a Texas thing), and I was soooo worried about seeing all that food the day before I weighed in, but I did well!!

I woke up with Ella coughing last night, and yet I still dragged myself out of bed at 6:30am to go to my weekly weigh-in. And I walked in there, stripped off my jacket and shoes, stepped on that scale with confidence, and I ONLY LOST A MEASELY .8 LBS!! I was so bummed!! Seriously, I wanted to cry. What did I do wrong?? I guess I need to just keep on keeping on. I took a little time off from my Zumba class when I was sick, but I am definitely back at the YMCA this week. But geez!!! Why is losing weight so freaking hard??

So, I've lost 7.8 lbs since I've started. Hopefully, it will be much more of a loss to come. I'm not letting this get me down. I'll just work my butt off today cleaning house.


Anonymous said...

You can do it girl! I need to get moving around more, too........I'll start TOMORROW! :)
- Lacie

Anonymous said...

You GO Gelle... You can do it even with all those temptations... just remember that nothing tastes better than thin feels!!! Keep up the good work and GO,GO,GO!!!! I love you... mom

~Michelle said...

Dont give up Gelle. I know your pain sister! I have been doing Weight Watchers and Zumba and walking since Feb 1 and I have only lost 3.5 lbs. Its slow but at least its something. Have you measured yourself? I have lost .5 inches in my waist, my hips, my arm and thigh, everywhere except my butt! But somtimes you are getting smaller but it doesnt show up on the scale. I love what you mom said. I might print that out and put that on my fridge.

Love, Chelle