Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Saturday, November 15, 2008

I feel special...

Ok, I originally had this posted on Ella's blog, but this is more for me than it is for her. Last Friday one of my students gave me a paper telling me that I was her favorite teacher and that she loves the way I explain things to the class. And she wanted me to go to her volleyball game Monday. I felt so special...I mean, I have only been there a little over a month - but this little girl is so sweet, and have I mentioned yet how much I love being a teacher.

Anyway, Monday morning she comes to my classroom with this big corsage flower thing with all these ribbons hanging down. Now, I've heard about these mums. I've seen them pinned to other teachers' bulletin boards when I was a sub. Apparently its a big thing in Texas - they give them out for homecoming courts and possibly dances? All I know, is the way I love attention, I would've been a mum-a-holic in high school if this was cool at ole St. Charles. So, she made me this mum...thats her picture on the button. Isn't that just the sweetest thing ever?!

So, Monday was their last volleyball game, and I attended proudly. There were several other teachers there being honored as well. I guess since I'm a first-year teacher (and a nerd), I made it out to be a really big deal in my head, but it really touched me. I stayed for almost all four games...my student won her game (she's a really good player too!) - I should've gone to more than just this last one! Oh well...there's always next year.

Next Friday is the last day of the second six weeks. I have been super busy trying to get everything graded and work made up. I have a lot of students that aren't doing to well. My mentor tells me thats normal, but I really take it to heart. Things are so much different for some of these kids than it was for me when I was their age...but that's another whole story for another whole posting!! So glad it's the weekend!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Natchitoches Weekend

Bart, Ella and I had a great little getaway this weekend. It was very spontaneous, and that made it even more fun. I love not making any reservations sometimes. I loooove Natchitoches. It is the cutest little town with little shops and the river and old houses and hills. Its just so quaint. And of course there's Northwestern and all the memories that come along with it. When we drove through downtown, there was obviously a rowing race going on, and I remembered when I was on the rowing team. How did I ever wake up every morning at 5am for practice to go in that cold a$$ water and freeze my ta-ta's off?? I guess that's why I was so skinny and yet thought I was so fat! Ha ha!

We passed by a lot of old hangouts. Nicky's mexican restaurant for one - fun times. Oh, and I got a snapshot of the McDonald's while we were trying to decide what we would pick up for lunch. Look at this pic.....only in a cute town like Natchitoches would there be a waterfall in the drive-thru line!!

We also had a blast hanging out with our friends Tyler and Veronica and our godchild Breanna. She is such a cutie. We always have fun with them...we were hanging out at her sister's house. Her sister was in Baton Rouge for the weekend, so we just kinda used their house while they were away. They have this really pretty house with the most perfect backyard. I love the outdoor fireplace...I could sit by that thing every night. And then we had fun with their electric scooters. And Tango had fun with the basketball. Ha ha.

Well, I am tired and am ready for a new week at school. I graded a lot of papers while we were in the car. Still not done though.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Without a Paddle

Ok...so, its a lazy Sunday afternoon, and I'm watching a movie I have seen many times, but I think its been overlooked. I don't remember it being a big hit at the movies, unless I just missed it. It's called "Without a Paddle." It's about these four guys who have been best friends since they were kids. One of them goes on to do great things, but passes away (I'm not giving the movie away...it happens in the very beginning). Anyway, the remaining three boys decide to go on an adventure in memory of him. Needless to say, their adventure is the movie, and it is HILARIOUS!! It stars Dax Shepard (from Baby Mama), Matthew Lillard (from Scream and Scooby Doo) and Seth Green (from Austin Powers). They are sooo funny...I laugh out loud every time I watch it, and even though they're boys, the movie brings you back to your childhood. Matthew Lillard and Seth Green deliver outstanding performances - Seth Green's character is so adorable. Burt Reynolds even makes an appearance.
If you have not seen this movie, do yourself a favor. It's been coming on MTV this weekend. Here's the imdb link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0364751/

Election 2008

I am SO ready for this election to be over!! The commercials are driving me nuts...not just the McCain and Obama commercials, but the local commercials as well. They are so vindictive! I voted last week during early voting. I'm off from school for Election Day, so I surely don't want to spend my day off waiting in line! It was great to vote early...there was no line at all! Now, I will say I have been enjoying the Saturday Night Live skits during the election...I don't normally watch SNL anymore (I mean, its just not the same anymore), but I like Tina Fey as Sarah Palin, and since I've been so into this election, the satire is refreshing!

I'm so not going to get into my political views on here because its just not that kind of blog, but I am very excited for Tuesday. Either way, history will be made. Bart has got me listening to AM talk radio and watching all the coverage, but I'm kinda glad. It's nice to be informed. Guess we will know one way or another by Tuesday. Woohoo!

P.S. If you're reading this and you HAVEN'T voted yet, GET OUT THERE AND VOTE ON TUESDAY!! Your vote DOES make a difference either way!!

$1.99 - holy smokes!!

I stopped at the Valero a couple of days ago, and when I saw how much the gas was, I almost ran into the gas pump. It was $2.09!! I was so shocked, I had to take a picture of it!
Then Bart went yesterday to the Racetrack on Highway 6, and he said gas was $1.99!! Oh my! How awesome is that?? I don't know how the economy is doing, but the gas prices rock! (and yes, it IS sad that I am excited that gas costing $1.99!)