Saturday, February 28, 2009

This is just funny.

Who is this guy!?!?

As I was searching for the correct information for my blog below, I stumbled upon this headline on my least favorite news supplier, CNN. All I can say, is

Education chief favors longer school year
Those lazy days of summer may become a thing of the past if the new secretary of education has his way. Arne Duncan, the Cabinet secretary charged with overhauling America's educational system, is studying programs that keep kids in school longer to boost their academic achievements.

Grose Politics

Has anyone seen the story on the news about the mayor who was caught with an emailed picture of the White House with watermelons photoshopped in the front yard with a caption saying, "Guess there'll be no Easter egg hunt this year?" The mayor is resigning, even though he says he didn't get the racial joke of the email.

Regardless of whether he is lying or not, that's not the thing I am so angry at. I am angry at the media. Why is it when they reported this dumb story did they feel the need to show me the picture he was caught with? Isn't showing the picture on national tv no better than the mayor having the picture in his email to begin with? Isn't showing the public the photo creating more racism and animosity between whites and blacks? And not only did they show us the poor-tasted photo, but they also told us the name and showed us the picture of the mayor. Perhaps they wanted to televise his home address and social security number too?? How is all that information newsworthy?

Why couldn't they just have reported that a mayor in a southern California city is resigning for sending a racial email? Why destroy this man's life for one small mistake? The media needs to take a chill pill. They really are out of control lately. There needs to be some kind of censorship on what they can and can't release to the public. Blood-thirsty, ratings-hungry decisions like these are what drove me away from the industry after college. It's no wonder I am a middle school teacher with a journalism degree!

I'm back!

Well, I am back. I have my new laptop, and I have just so much to blog about. So much going on.

I'll start with this early Saturday morning weigh-in.
Since the end of January, I joined Weight Watchers. I wanted to shed my "baby weight" and be a thin, fit mommy for Ella. I even go to the weekly meetings for extra motivation. Yes, I wake up eaaarly every Saturday morning for my 7am meeting so I can just get it over with. And I started off with medium gusto, and I kinda lost my steam for a while. The weight was coming off so slowly - almost not at all, and I wasn't doing horrible. I mean, I wasn't doing great either. There were trips home and my anniversary dinner and who can forget Valentine's Day candy. Holidays for a teachers are double trouble because kids give you candy and they expect it too! And then I had to buy girl scout cookies from every child who asked.
Excuses, excuses, excuses - I know!

So, when I got the flu last week, I lost a few lbs fast. It was a nice jumsptart, and it really got me motivated. This past week, I really got it in my head to be committed. I turned down donuts (which are at school almost daily!), and I started eating my lunch in my room to avoid any temptation of school lunches (which are horribly fattening, by the way!) and down in the teacher's lounge (people are always putting leftover sweets on the tables). I did soo well.
And Friday was our annual Chili Cookoff for Go Texan Day (don't ask, it's a Texas thing), and I was soooo worried about seeing all that food the day before I weighed in, but I did well!!

I woke up with Ella coughing last night, and yet I still dragged myself out of bed at 6:30am to go to my weekly weigh-in. And I walked in there, stripped off my jacket and shoes, stepped on that scale with confidence, and I ONLY LOST A MEASELY .8 LBS!! I was so bummed!! Seriously, I wanted to cry. What did I do wrong?? I guess I need to just keep on keeping on. I took a little time off from my Zumba class when I was sick, but I am definitely back at the YMCA this week. But geez!!! Why is losing weight so freaking hard??

So, I've lost 7.8 lbs since I've started. Hopefully, it will be much more of a loss to come. I'm not letting this get me down. I'll just work my butt off today cleaning house.