Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Like Totally 80s!

This week at school it's Red Ribbon Week, and if you don't remember what that was from school - it's the Drug and Alcohol Awareness week. Anyway, everyday is a different dress-up day for school. Monday was red, white and blue (I think it was something like "America joins the fight against drugs.") Tuesday was "Block Out Drugs and Alcohol," and everyone got to wear hats, sunglasses, and black under our eyes. Today is "A History of Red Ribbon Week," so we got to dress like our favorite decade. Mine of course was the eighties!!

I cut up an old sweater and made leg warmers. I dug out some big, circular silver earrings and a tacky necklace. I pulled a tight side ponytail into a purple scrunchy, and my makeup was made up of frosted blue eye shadow, blue eye liner, and cotton candy pink lip gloss. The only thing I was missing was a fingerless lace glove. Ha ha! It was so much fun!! I love being a teacher.

I went to Randall's grocery after school to pick up some 7up for my ailing mother, and everyone gave me funny looks. No one looked at me with a smile to say, "nice costume." They just gave me freaky looks as if to say, "are you really wearing that?" I mean, really? Do you really think me, a 30-year-old woman, is going around in everyday life with a side pony, frosted blue eye shadow and leg warmers?!! C'mon people!!

Tomorrow is "Fight the War Against Drugs," and we can wear camouflage. And Friday is crazy hair and clothes day....hmmmm. I can definitely do that.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Ready or Not, Here We Go

Well, there's no easy way to start this thing other than to just get started. I created this blog to express myself. I love Ella's blog so much. It helps me stay connected with friends and family, and it's the best thing ever!! So because I love it so much, I wanted one for my very own. I have random thoughts and things to get out sometimes, and where else to express that kind of poetic therapy than my very own blog! And here we are...

I have to say my life is pretty great. I am so blessed. I have a wonderful husband. I couldn't have asked for a more involved, giving person to spend my life with. He adores Ella. He wakes up in the middle of the night to feed her - even if he has work the next day. He dresses her. He changes diapers. He loves bath time as much as she does, and he's always taking her for walks in the backyard to just "look around." I'm sure lots of new dads out there do this very same thing, but its just so heart-warming to see my husband do it. He's really great.

Then there's Ella. I am so grateful that she was born a healthy, bouncing baby girl. She's growing so fast, and every day I have to pinch myself that I really gave birth to her. I mean, it seems like just yesterday Lacie, Jenny and I were living in Baton Rouge, getting into trouble and loving the single life. And now here I am with this little person that depends soully on me for survival. I love motherhood though. I love having that power of being the one who can calm her when she's upset. The one who can make her laugh even when she's starving for a bottle. The one who can put her to sleep in 3.2 seconds. Hee hee. Its an unbelievable feeling, and every day I can't wait to see what happens next.

My newest happening in my life is my teaching job. I decided to become a teacher when I moved to Houston. I loved the marketing thing, but once I left Your Other Warehouse, I was done with it. I wanted a career change no matter what it was. Quite honestly, I've always thought about being a teacher. My sisters are teachers. Lots of friends and family members are teachers, and I always envied them when they got to decorate their classrooms. Ha! I was always crafty and creative when it came to kids. I loved being an RA at Southeastern. And when I did some searching in Houston, I thought back to what I love to do most in life....what was some of the best times of my life. It was Camp Roindel. I loved it for sooo many reasons, but it all came down to the kids. So, it just seemed like a logical direction to turn. I enrolled into a program to get my certification a year ago, and here we are. Now, I'm teaching 8th grade Language Arts, and I loove it. I love teaching. And if I must work, what better a job than a teacher when I have a little baby. I get off at 3:30 every day, and I'm off holidays and summers!! It rocks!! So, so far so good with that.

Most of you know, my first teaching job was a long term substitute job I took teaching Communication Applications. Comm App is basic communication skills, interviewing, etc. I looooved teaching it so much, and that's my ultimate goal as a teacher. Meanwhile, Language Arts isn't so bad. I just feel like a dope sometimes. I can analyze a story till the cows come home, but all these strategies!! We never really spent so much in-depth time with stuff like that when I was in high school - or if we did, I don't remember (and I loved all my English classes). I don't know....I'll get it! It's just gonna take a little time.

I miss my family and friends every day. I'm not just saying that. I really mean it. I miss taking time out to meet Jenny and Lacie at Chilis. I miss slumber parties at Mel's house. I miss LSU games. I miss eating mexican food with Stina. I miss seeing my nieces' dance reviews and baseball games and carnival balls and sporting events. I miss the family birthday parties. I miss going see my mom and dad whenever I want. I'll miss my mom and dad's house when they move, and I hate that I can't spend more time there while they're still there. I just miss everything, and sometimes it just gets to me. I like Houston...I really do. The shopping and resources are to die for. The public schools are truly unbelievable. There is no better mexican food, and there is always so much to do. But it's not home.

Anyway, that's my life in a nutshell. I promise not all my posts will be that long....I just had to get that out. It's an exciting journey ahead....teaching, motherhood, superwife. Who knows what will happen next.


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Coming Soon!

I decided that along with my Ella blog, I wanted to create a blog just for me too. Mine won't be as fancy as hers, but I will write a lot. I just wanted an outlet to express my random thoughts and funny stories about my goings on. There's always a bit of humor in my life. I'm an 8th grade English teacher now (and that's always generates funny stories) and I can share some of my motherhood stories that may be a little too much for Ella's blog. So I am sure to have lots of funny stories and interesting things to say.

Hope to see you back soon!
